Monday, 25 May 2009

An update at last!

Hi everyone,

We're alive and well and settling into a new time zone! This morning we were all drinking tea and watching Mulan 2 at 01:30am!!!
It's really hot, so Martha is running between bits of shade whenever we are out.
Yesterday Chris took us to the Forbidden City and Great Wall which was fun. It has been great to see Chris again and he is amazed at how the girls have grown. Chris has also got a group of Dutch families out here who are adopting....... it's like deja vous!
We have not been able to log onto the blog out here so Alex's Mum is kindly going to do it remotely for us.
We're just off to do some shopping in the silk market and then this afternoon we fly down to Wuhan. Chris has said that "a lady" (presumably at Civil Affairs) has told him..."Just go to the orphanage" we are going to give it a go!

Martha says....."Today we are going to Wuhan on an aeroplane and I'm going to play UNO on the way. I think China is great but a bit hot!
Mummy is the only person with blonde hair that we've seen!"

Esther says..." Today I feel a bit tummy feels funny"
( I think the shock of the journey and being away has caught up with Het today...she's a bit off her food and tearful)

Anyway, we will report again from Wuhan!

Take care

The Souths

1 comment:

  1. Martha it is raining today, but it has been really hot.We hope you get to visit the orphanage. We want to go to the zoo but we are not going to go in the rain!! love Megan xxxxxx
    Becca hopes that Esther feels better and after China can you have a play date at my house. love Rebecca xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
