Monday, 1 June 2009

Back from the Yangtze

Well, after 3 days cut off from the internet whilst on a boat in the Yangtze we made our way to Chengdu.

The boat trip was fantastic. Partly for cost and partly for timings we ended up on a locals’ (Chinese people only) boat, so we really got to see China! No comfy cabins but at least a shower and no squatty potty. For this we had taxi'd to Yichang and boarded another bus and then onto the boat just past the 3 Gorges Dam.

The Yangtze Gorge is amazing, and no photo or video will ever capture it. We went on a small boat trip on Saturday down Shennong Stream with local Taijing people rowing and singing to us. It was simply beautiful. Most of the rest of the time was spent on the main cruiser enjoying the view and chatting (via Janet) with the Chinese tourists. They loved M+E and they made a few friends.

We came to Chongqing this morning and took a train to Chengdu. Lovely train and enjoyed the endless spectacle of farmers managing their plots, sometimes on the smallest and most uneven ground. It's easy to see how embedded the Chinese culture is with agriculture and the seasons.

Tomorrow, we're off to the Panda reserve so we're obviously very excited about that.


Dear Rebecca,
Looking forward to our play date, having a sleep over and then going to the beach to have an ice cream,
Lots of love,

Dear Megan,
Enjoyed going to Wuxue and meeting my foster mother and having a ride on her scooter.
Lots of love


  1. Dear Esther, when you come to the village fete you can get a free icecream with me and we can dance together and when you come to my house we can do painting and if its sunny we can go in the paddling pool and after that we can have one of my Easter eggs. I really liked getting your messgages and seeing the Panda pictures. Love REBECCA XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  2. We have been doing art for two days and no work!!! I would love to see baby pandas as I have never seen one before. Mummy took Becca and I to the zoo and we saw two red pandas which I really liked, looking forward to seeing you at the fete and playing with you. Love Megan. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
